My Bucket List
Finally i start to create my bucket list. I'm sure I'll have to revisit this page and change few of them. Any way this is not a complete list, just few of the things I have in mind now. Hopefully this will grow in to a full list and I'll have good time ticking them off.
Things I want to do,
- Ride a rollercoaster - This was one of my long term goals. They say life is a rollercoaster, why not ride it and feel it.
- Have dog - Cool thing to do. Still I think I'm a cat person.. but luv dogs too!!!
- See snow - Yeh... hav to create snow man too
Complete a degree- I had the most wonderful four years of completing the degree. I found a carrier, met lot of good friends, wonderful life long memories... Kandy.. my favorite city in whole world...- Complete MSc
Buy a car- Wwowowowoooooooooooo- Learn diving
- Diving in the sea
- Go whale-watching
- Fly in a hot air balloon
- Run a marathon
- Buy a house and make it “the perfect” house over the years
- Have a tatoo
- Swimming with the dolphins
Go Snorkeling- Did first snorkeling in Pigeon island. It was wonderful experience. I have to do this again, many times.- Go Snorkeling many times
- Go camping in the woods
Boat ride in sea- On the way to Pigeon island. Have to do this many times. Not enough at all.- Go Boat ride ride in sea many times
- Learn to play guitar
- Learn to play tennis properly
- Publish at least one book
- Take a helicopter ride
- Have an awesome gardern all by my self
- Have a blog and have it till die
Elephant ride- Camping in a rain forest
- Proficient in swimming
- Have a bungee jump
- See Sri Lanka wins the Cricket World cup for the 2nd time
- Have a full day night out beach
- Learn to speak French
- Learn to speak Japanese
- Visit LA
- Create a non-profit foundation to help the needy
- Visit the 7 Wonders