Finally, Convocation

I read a wonderfull post written by sam abt our convocation and relating to our uni life ,

It is nice to see your remember all most all the fun stuff and it was really nice reading ur post, for few min i went to those good old days of our life. Can you remember the call we made to Dr B and what has happened :). Scary times dudes.

Finally I will never forgets the days we had in Jayathilake(with sam and digs). Hay we watched film after film (Film festivals..) . Life was really fun, films, chatting, stories and many more.

It was a great time in our life. Simply we did every thing, games, internet, IT center, part time jobs, films, chatting, playing- me going to the grounds :D, chasing girls..:) , we did everything except studying. We did everything till 2 weeks before exams. Just before exams we manage to cramp and get it over. Thanks sam for all our helps and ur wonderful ability of guessing exam questions.
Most important thing is we had the most wonderful uni life and still mange to do well with our life.

Great to meet and spend time with all of the guys in our 01-batch.

Hay sam u know some thing, during the convocation it is only science our 01- batch mates claps continuously for the whole badge mates. Not even our juniors or e-faculty guys. Non one claps for others. It shows still as a batch we are the best even though we had lot of differences.

So it was great times in our life and I was lucky to meet such nice and good ppl in my life.

Nothing will be forgotten, nothing will be forgotten for ever.


NisH™ said…
Yeah we watched our Friends via Onlie web cast .
ha ha .......

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