Roswell High TV series..

Well this is one of the most exciting tv series I don’t want to miss, Roswell High is one of the most populer science fiction dram series of the world,

Max Evans, sister Isabel Evans, and their friend Michael are survivors of the 1947 UFO crash known as the Roswell Incident. They are from the planet Antar. Upon emerging from pods, they had appeared to be 7 year old orphaned humans. Max and Isabel were adopted by a loving pair of attorneys, the Evans. Michael entered the foster care system, bouncing from household to household.
The aliens have special powers, including the ability to:
rearrange molecules (changing objects, healing injuries).
"dreamwalk" (observe, participate in, and manipulate others' dreams).
sense each others' emotions from afar.
create psychic connections that allow one person to see into another's mind.
perceive colorful halos or auras around humans which indicate emotional state.
Max, Isabel and Michael have successfully kept their true nature a secret for a decade. The series begins with the accidental shooting of Liz Parker, a human friend of Max's. He cannot bear to see her die, and risks bringing attention to himself when he uses his powers to save her life. Liz soon is brought in on the secret, as are her friends Maria DeLuca and Alex Manes. The six teens learn to trust each other and bond. Max and Liz gradually fall in love. Together the group fends off the suspicions of law enforcement, alien hunters, and Liz's jealous ex-boyfriend while seeking clues about the aliens' origins.


sampath said…
Hey....i dont know abt this dram though, the "Kyle XY" is the #01 series at US now. its also a sci-fi and much much popular..
Indika said…
heeee, when things come to SL it is always bit late. As far as i know they have complted the series 11 in us too, but still we are in to series 2 :D

I havnt heard this Kyle Xy but I'd love to..
Anonymous said…
there is a good blog at vist there

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